This week we start looking at one the earliest literal materials 'the gılgamesh epic'. I read some of the critics on the net, first of all, I should admit that I went to my university years. Actually the first year. When I was very nervous of being in a different envoriment, new friends, and the curiosity of the biggest city of Turkey, İstanbul.
'Gılgamesh' not so much different from what we live today. The main character..... everyone is the main character of its existence. Be the main, be a character. He was trying to seduce everyone, and he tried. It is not so much different today. The ones who earn lots of money, tries sometimes. Someones do not even wait for gaining so much money, if they find a chance they do as immediately as they could. He thinks himself as the greatest, controls other people's lives, gives orders. So today is the same. He looks for an eternal life just as the same of today's idea, living as if we won't die one day. Organizing everything for this world.
On the other hand his fellow companion comes, and changes his life as he can. The critics assume him the second part of his soul that understands the meaning of life. But was he really successful? Did he achieve to change Gılgamesh's life?
Gılgamesh! People worshipped you and they thought that you had wisdom and judicousness. Why did it take long time to acknowledge that you are mortal? You were lucky, Endiku came. The life of Gılgamesh, before Endiku and after Endiku. His life was something like not broken in. Later he broke off his relations with the past.
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