9 Mart 2015 Pazartesi


Unveil! But what?

Everything is seen and known. There is only one point we must compel ourselves to discuss. How should we behave after we are becomed to see every each detail?
It’s nearly the end of the third term of AK party’s governance. Started with enthusiasm as a missed survival from obscurity rather than mental state, it evolved expectantly and rapidly to a popular manner of politics. I named it as ‘popular politics’ 10 years ago. Because we encountered a company management with its advertisement and presentation methods such as gorgeous openings, motivating speeches, billboards etc. Some of the first deputies were popular figures in the society. People are etherized to listen well-prepared monologs. We cheer up wandering around the top limits of rhetoric. Projects and national-emotions were presented in unison. And it worked. Yes, it worked and people geared up AK party’s votes despite every kind of accusations. This kind of a chance has never been given to neither Özal nor Demirel. It seems that it will be the same for the forthcoming elections. For me, the only reason of this kind a behavior is AK party’s member’s subconscious way of understanding life. The failure of AK party would be also the failure of the citizen. In this sense, AK party’s view is representing the prototype of a citizen who is accustomed to live with some unethical kinds of behaviors during the bygone cabinets. That is, the better is better. No matter about the corruption details, citizen looks at the total amount. The opposition parties cannot be related to the main needs of the Turkish society. Opposition parties recollect traumatic past for the main voters while AK party pumps hope both verbally and practically.    

On the other hand, with its traditional name ‘Cemaat’, ‘The Cemaat’ as a neo-conventional approach,  or ‘Camia’ updated by Dumanli, or ‘Hizmet Hareketi’ with its sophisticated meaning; emerged as a premature rescuer. If you want, you can find out its form in February the 28th,  its extensional nature in the American melting pot and its sincerity in December the 17th. Sometimes it works-it worked as a cautious prompter of the administration, and sometimes as a co-operator without entitlement however generally wants to take others to its rights. Win-win, take-take is the basic mentality. If you serve, you are welcomed. If you alienate yourself, you are not sent but disposed because of the cleasing system. The democracy contemplating of the Camia is so interchangeable that you can get the gist idea if you have look at the daily newspapers of it.   

Urgur, Turgay.   

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