13 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba

they trust US

Of course not us, to US. Because they have no other choice left. Turkish citizens have a conscience carrying a responsibility coming from a deep cultural and divine background. So what? Boobily, some thought that they (TurkishCitizens) would support betrayal as if they had given foundation to them in the past.

Old saying; father says to his child: You may go to your friend’s house and also eat, drink there however don’t forget to come back at night. I mean, supporting to a Islamic group to which you think as sincere is totally different from than choosing between the country’s great benefits and a group’s illusioned good news. Freedom, faith, flag and Turkey’s honor come first and it will always be the same.

Their hope is currently knocking the door of US’s attorney. All the Muslims who hadn’t fled yet know that it’s the same US brought democracy to the Middle East. They also know that US governments are the first responsible ones for the bloodshed continuing. No matter, we are aware of that it’s a kind of behavior that fits only with the Cemaat. Being near the power. Maybe it’s the only genre of them never changes from top to heel. Nowadays, the same country’s attorney is looking for justice in order to pressurize Turkish laws. If they are fair enough, they should face up to what they had done in Japan. Absurdly, the cemaat members trust these guys for demolishing the governmental structure in Turkey. There is need to repeat because they have no choice. Because this mission was given to them by Israel so as to test their power in Turkey after the third victory of the Turkish citizens. Simply, the anti-İslamist countries wanted the provision which was given them. Because they had private visas to go wherever they want. In return, they should pay for it.

It was about 1995 they had the idea that if the US would live 50 years more, it would be secured by the cemaat. It was one of the mottos of the cemaat after the collapse of Soviet Russia. There is a mutual beneficial dialogue between the cemaat and the US. That’s why they trust them. That’s why they showed Hollywood War films saving the world on their channels during the bombings of Iraq. That’s why they never said a negative sentence for the Israel and US, they won’t either. That’s why they use the advertisement of the attorney as they used every virtue.

turgay urgur
Turkish Citizen 



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