24 Nisan 2016 Pazar


It really is sometimes weird to understand European scientists who search other primitive societies like the rats in a laboratory. First of all, we should leave out prejudice in order to reach real-like results if the target is human. People improve their living styles because of their necessities such as Egyptian or Sumerian civilizations. For example; as even primary school children know, the river Nile compelled them to learn Math, Geometry and other sciences. Nature leads people to find the easiest and the most functional ways to live an easy life. Even though, a little 5-6 year old child chooses amongst the items which are beneficial to him/her by using its logic. Logic is the key property of a human being. It is a miracle that mustn’t be eliminated. Munduruku people also behaved like a normal society who tried to find an easy-going life. It is not them or their way of understanding geometry that people should admire, it is the logic and the brain that we should admire. If we need to understand something, our perception and intuition take the initiative and start to contemplate by eliminating the unnecessary things. That’s why they answered the geometry questions like other American students with nearly the same scores. There is a comic but a logical scene in Cem Yılmaz’s film, Arog. ‘In the film, he(C.yılmaz) tries to teach primitive people to catch fish, however they already knew it. And too much better than him. They just put their spears without looking at the fish, and catch them.’

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