24 Nisan 2016 Pazar


Think about a soccer player who can use his both right and left feet. What makes him different from others is his ability to play with his both feet. Maradona, Hagi and Sergen Yalçın were the best examples of these players. This ability made a visuospatial property compared with the ones who use only one foot. Or, think about a laptop that uses dual-core memory, this property makes it faster than the others. It collects the apples with two hands while the old-system collects with one hand. Like this, bilingualism makes out such an effect to give meaning to material world by cognition. Namely, it forms two and more dimensions of an object. Because he knows the vision of it in both cultures. Actually, the power of Word is to give meaning to the objects. When God created Adam, He asked other angels to give the names of the objects. They said that they couldn’t do such a thing, but Adam did. Even a person who uses synonyms in his/her mother tongue is much more talented than a person who knows only one meaning of the word. The more you have vocabulary, the more you comment on life. This difference effects understanding, contemplating and presentation. The vocabulary capacity is directly related with the intellectuality of a person. For example what makes a teacher different than a student is his/her vocabulary in his language. Brain works with words, numbers and symbols. So what? Bilingualism is surely a big advantage when compared to monolingualism.  Bilingual uses a faster processor, uses the both parts of the brain and forms visuospatial pictures. That’s why they recall the locations of the frog used in the experience. However, sometimes we see that children raised in lower SES may show cognitive gains, this is also related with risk-taking characteristic of the lower SES. While the upper class child bothers itself with the details, the lower class child behaves without the fear of losing. So he/she uses a mentally free cognition. For example, car modify designers are members of those groups. I mean this leads to practical cognition. That’s why; hands crafters, music talented personalities or free thinkers are all members of this kind of practical cognition skills.      


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