18 Ocak 2015 Pazar

11 Y

My dear Students,

This World’s life is a gift given to all of us which will turn into an endless peace if we know the exact value of it. There are some tips you may follow that ease the way we walk such as love, mercy, diligence and patience. First of all, trust God and try to understand Prophet’s holy message by making the right choices in time. There won’t be a second chance for the bygone days so minimize your mistakes. As you know and you are to know, nobody can neither underestimate your ideas nor change you but let yourselves to learn from them, moreover you don’t have an  eternal power to overcome all the problems; however you have talent like others to beautify your future.

Finally; one day if you remember your English teacher, DO also REMEMBER that you are loved. Just loved.

Always with you……

Urgur, TURGAY.    

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